Game Description: Hyper Vball is a 2D sidescrolling volleyball simulator game. You can only move left or right. It features 3 different modes of play including Men’s League, Woman’s League, and the robotic futuristic Hyper League. The hyper league mode isn’t as simulation as the other two modes, with the added in “Hyper Plays” which are special attacks. Pretty fun game overall, it’s worth playing!
Controls: “Enter Key” = Start Game. “Arrow Keys” = Move. “Z”, “X”, “A”, “S”, “D”, “C” Keys = Action Keys. To Save Game Progress State Press = [Shift+F2], Load Progress State [Shift+F4], or use Save/Load buttons seen in-menu when scrolling mouse over.
Platform Information: Super Nintendo. Play Hyper VBall online through your PC or Mobile web browser. Created By Mc O’River in 1994.