Game Description: Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu is a fun classic NES Hockey game that was originally released in only Japan. You’ll play 4 vs 4 Hockey against different teams. There are two different modes to choose from including Scenario (しなりお Shinario) and Battle (たいせん Taisen). You can upgrade your character stats giving this game some RPG elements. Power shots are useful when close to a goal.
Controls: “Enter Key” = Start Game. “Arrow Keys” = Move. “Z” and “X” Keys = Action Keys. To Save Game Progress State Press = [Shift+F2], Load Progress State [Shift+F4], or use Save/Load buttons seen in-menu when scrolling mouse over.
Platform Information: Nintendo Entertainment System. Play Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu online through your PC or Mobile web browser. Created By Technōs Japan Corp. in 1992.