![NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant (N64)](https://www.okplayit.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/NBA-Courtside-2-Featuring-Kobe-Bryant-N64.jpg)
Game Description: NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant was the best and most realistic basketball simulation game for the Nintendo 64. It featured a full 1999-2000 roster of NBA players and teams. Realistic 3D graphics, physics, and gameplay. It has an extensive season mode. Starring one of the greatest basketball players of all time Kobe Bryant (RIP)!
Controls: “Enter Key” = Start Game. “F”, “T”, “G”, “H” Keys = Move. “Z”, “X”, “A”, “S”, “D”, “C” Keys = Action Keys. To Save Game Progress State Press = [Shift+F2], Load Progress State [Shift+F4], or use Save/Load buttons seen in-menu when scrolling mouse over.
Platform Information: Nintendo 64. Play NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant online through your PC or Mobile web browser. Created By Left Field Productions in 1999.