Game Description: NBA JAM TE was the basketball game to play on classic game consoles. It features 2 vs 2 over-exaggerated no rules arcade-style basketball. If you hit someone and knock the ball out of their hand no foul will be called, fouls don’t exist in this game. If you make a lot of shots or dunks in a row the basketball will be on fire allowing you to move faster and do some crazy dunks. It’s simple just shoot, dunk, and enjoy the fast-paced gameplay. The announcer is also awesome with funny sayings like “boomshakalaka”, lol ya got to love it!
Controls: “Enter Key” = Start Game. “Arrow Keys” = Move. “Z”, “X”, “A”, “S” Keys = Action Keys. To Save Game Progress State Press = [Shift+F2], Load Progress State [Shift+F4], or use Save/Load buttons seen in-menu when scrolling mouse over.
Platform Information: Super Nintendo. Play NBA Jam TE online through your web browser. Created By
Midway in 1994.