Game Description: Pac-Attack isn’t a traditional Pac-Man game instead it’s a falling-tile puzzle game. You’ll stack ghosts or blocks horizontally & vertically. Blocks can be cleared out by stacking them horizontally. Ghosts can be cleared by setting a Pac-Man on top of them (he will eat them). This is the first Pac-Man game released that was never released in arcades. It only released to home consoles!
Controls: “Enter Key” = Start Game. “Arrow Keys” = Move. “Z” and “X” Keys = Action Keys. To Save Game Progress State Press = [Shift+F2], Load Progress State [Shift+F4], or use Save/Load buttons seen in-menu when scrolling mouse over.
Platform Information: SEGA Genesis / Megadrive. Played with JAVA online. Created By Namco Hometek in 1993.